教师基本情况 |
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姓名: | 徐备 | |
职称: | 教授 | |
联系电话 | 62767288 | |
办公地点: | 逸夫二楼3305 | |
邮箱: | bxu@pku.edu.cn |
专业及研究领域: |
大地构造学,中国北方造山带,塔里木板块晚前寒武纪地质 |
教育经历 |
1975.08--1978.07 | 学士 | (地层学)河北地质学院 |
1982.08--1985.06 | 硕士 | (地层学)中国地质大学(北京) |
1985.07--1988.08 | 博士 | (区域构造学)中国地质大学(北京) |
工作经历 |
1978.09--1981.12 | 河北地质学院 助教 |
1990.06--1994.09 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院副教授 |
1994.09--至今 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院教授 |
承担项目 |
2013CB429800 兴蒙造山带构造叠合与大规模成矿作用,科技部,首席科学家,201301-201708 |
Wu G., Chen Y., Sun F., Liu J., Wang G., Xu B., 2015. Geochronology, geochemistriy, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes of the early Paleozoic igneous rocks in the Duobaoshan area, NE China and their geological significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 2015 (97): 229-250
Xu Bei, Song Shuguang, Nie Fengjun, 2015, The central Asian orogenic belt in
northern China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 2015 (97): 179-182
(33) Xu, B., Zhao, P., Wang, Y., Liao, W., Luo, Z., Bao, Q., Zhou, Y., 2015, The pre- Devonian tectonic framework of Xing’an- Mongolia orogenic belt (XMOB) in north China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 2015 (97): 183-196
徐备、赵盼、鲍庆中等.2014.兴蒙造山带前中生代构造单元划分初探,.岩石学报, 30(07):1841-1857
Zhao, P., Fang, J., Xu, B., Chen, Y., Faure, M., 2014. Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Xing-Meng Orogenic Belt: constraints from detrital zircon geochronology of western Erguna-Xing’an Block, North China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2014), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.04.011
P. Zhao, Y. Chen, S. Zhan, B. Xu, M. Faure, 2014, The Apparent Polar Wander Path of the Tarim block (NW China) since the Neoproterozoic and its implications for a long-term Tarim–Australia connection,Precambrian Research,242:39-57
Bei Xu, Haibo Zou, Yan Chen, Jinyou He, Yu Wang, 2013. The Sugetbrak basalts from northwestern Tarim Block of northwestChina: Geochronology, geochemistry and implications for Rodiniabreakup and ice age in the Late Neoproterozoic Precambrian Research, 236 (2013):214-22
Bei Xu, Jacques Charvet, Yan Chen, Pan Zhao, Guanzhong Shi, 2013. Middle Paleozoic convergent orogenic belts in western Inner Mongolia (China): framework, kinematics, geochronology and implications for tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 23:1342-1364
Zhao Pan, Yan Chen, Bei Xu, Michel Faure, Guanzhong Shi, Flavien. C.,2013. Did the Paleo-AsianOcean betweenNorth China Block and Mongolia Block exist during the late Paleozoic? First paleomagnetic evidence from central-eastern Inner Mongolia, China. JGR, 2013,118:1873-1894
Guanzhong Shi, Michel Faure, Bei Xu, Pan Zhao, Yan Chen , 2013. Structural and kinematic analysis of the Early Paleozoic Ondor Sum-Hongqi mélange belt, Eastern part of the Altaids (CAOB) in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 66:123-139
Tong QinLong, Wei Wei, Xu Bei .2013. Neoproterozoic sedimentary facies and glacial periods in the southwest of Tarim Block, Science China-Earth Sciences, 56(6): 901-912
Bei Xu, Shuhai Xiao, Haibo Zou, Yan Chen, Zheng-Xiang Li, Biao Song, Dunyi Liu, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, 2009, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age constraints on Neoproterozoic Quruqtagh diamictites in NW China, Precambrian Research,168: 247-258
Xu Bei, Huang Shaoying, Zhan Sheng, Deng Rongjing, Liu Bing, 2007, Correlation between Tongbai and Western Dabie Orogenic Belts, Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(1): 32-37
Zhan Sheng, Chen Yan, Xu Bei, Wang Bo, Faure Miche, 2007, Late Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic results from the Sugetbrak Formation of the Aksu area, Tarim basin (NW China) and their implications to paleogeographic reconstructions and the snowball Earth hypothesis, Precambrian Research 154:143-158
He Xiubin, Xu Bei and Yuan Zhiyun, 2007, C-isotope composition and correlation of the Upper Neoproterozoix in Keping area, Xinjiang, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(4):504-511
Huang Shaoying, Xu Bei, Wang Changqiu, Zhan Shen, Deng Rongjing, 2006, The geometry,dynamics and evolution of Tongbei orogen belt, Science in China, Series D, 49(8): 828-838
寇晓威 王宇 卫巍 何金有 徐备,2008,塔里木板块上元古界阿勒通沟组和黄羊沟组:新识别的冰期和间冰期?岩石学报,24 (12): 2863-2868
徐备 寇晓威 宋彪,卫巍,王宇,2008,塔里木板块上元古界火山岩SHRIMP定年及其对新元古代冰期时代的制约,岩石学报,24 (12): 2857-2862
刘兵,徐备,孟祥英,寇晓威,何金有,卫巍,米合,2007,塔里木板块新元古代地层化学蚀变指数研究及其意义,岩石学报, 23(07):1664-1670
Xu Bei, Zhang Jiasheng,Xu Hehua, Zhang Kefeng, Fang Zhichu, 2005, Dynamic mechanism of continental deep subduction: results from observation and simulation, Acta Prteologica Sinica, 21(4): 1303-1310
Huang BC, Xu B, Zhang CX, 2005,Paleomagnetism of the Baiyisi volcanic rocks (ca.740 Ma) of Tarim, Northwest China: A continental fragment of neoproterozoic Western Australia? Precambrian Research 142 (3-4): 83-92
徐备,张家声,许鹤华,张可丰,方之楚,单新建,蔡永恩,2005,大陆深俯冲的动力学机制:观测和模拟结果,岩石学报, 21(4):1309
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获奖情况 |
1992年获教育部霍英东基金;1995年获地质矿产部部优图幅奖(第一完成人),2014年获国务院特殊津贴 |
学术及社会任职 |
岩石学报特邀编辑(2014);Journal of Asian Earth Sciences特邀编辑(2015);LITHOS特邀编辑(2015);地质通报编委;地层委员会前寒武纪分会委员 |
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