教师基本情况 | ||
姓名: | 张元元 | ![]() |
职称: | 研究员 | |
联系电话 | 00000000000 | |
办公地点: | 北京大学逸夫二楼3315 | |
邮箱: | yy-zhang@pku.edu.cn |
专业及研究领域: |
构造地质学专业,盆地与造山带构造,油气盆地分析与资源环境效应 |
教育经历 | ||
2002.09--2006.07 | 学士 | 南京大学地球科学系 |
2006.09--2012.01 | 博士 | 北京大学 |
工作经历 | |
2012.01--2014.09 | Saint Mary’s University, Canada 博士后 |
2014.10--2016.01 | Dalhousie University, Canada 博士后 |
2014.10--2016.08 | Saint Mary’s University, Canada 访问研究员 |
2016.08--至今 | 北京大学 研究员 |
承担项目 |
中组部千人计划青年项目,主持 |
学术成果 |
1. Zhang, Y.Y., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., 2015. How sandstone porosity and permeability vary with diagenetic minerals in the Scotian Basin, offshore eastern Canada: implications for reservoir quality. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 63, 28–45. 2. Zhang, Y.Y., Guo, Z.J., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., 2015. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Early Carboniferous volcanic rocks in East Junggar, North Xinjiang: Implications for post-collisional magmatism and geodynamic process. Gondwana Research, 28(4), 1466–1481. 3. Zhang, Y.Y., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., 2014. Variations of porosity and permeability with diagenetic minerals in the Scotian Basin, offshore eastern Canada and its implications for reservoir quality. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7642, 459 p.. 4. Zhang, Y.Y., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., 2014. Sediment geochemistry as a provenance indicator: Unravelling the cryptic signatures of polycyclic sources, climate change, tectonism and volcanism. Sedimentology, 61, 381–410. 5. Zhang, Y.Y., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., Guo, Z.J., 2013. Early Carboniferous collision of the Kalamaili orogenic belt, North Xinjiang, and its implications: Evidence from molasse deposits. GSA Bulletin, 125, 932–944. 6. Zhang, Y.Y., Dostal, J., Zhao, Z.H., Liu, C., Guo, Z.J., 2011. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of mafic and ultramafic rocks from Southern Beishan area, NW China: Implications for crust-mantle interaction. Gondwana Research, 20, 816–830. 7. Zhang, Y.Y., Dostal, J., 2011. Geochemistry of Nb and Variations of Nb/Ta Ratio in Geological Systems. In: (T.M. Wong ed.) Niobium: Properties, Production and Applications, Nova Press, pp. 107–121. 8. 张元元, 郭召杰. 2010. 准噶尔北部蛇绿岩形成时限新证据与东西准噶尔的对比研究. 岩石学报, 26(2), 422–431. 9. 张元元, 陈石, 郭召杰, 方世虎. 2009. 东准噶尔扎河坝地区古生代晚期火山岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 25(3), 506–514. 10. 张元元, 郭召杰. 2008. 新甘交界红柳河蛇绿岩形成和侵位年龄的准确限定及大地构造意义. 岩石学报, 24(4), 803–809. 11. 张元元, 郭召杰, 刘畅, 许文骞. 2007. 新疆阿尔泰东部新生代玄武岩的地球化学特征与地质意义. 岩石学报, 23(7), 1730–1738. |
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