教师基本情况 | ||
姓名: | 王德明 | ![]() |
职称: | 教授 | |
联系电话 | 010-62761095 | |
办公地点: | 逸夫二楼3415室 | |
邮箱: | dmwang@pku.edu.cn |
专业及研究领域: |
古生物学与地层学专业,古植物学、古环境、古地理、生物地层研究领域 |
教育经历 | ||
1988.09--1992.07 | 学士 | 浙江大学地球科学系,地球化学专业 |
1992.09--1995.07 | 硕士 | 北京大学地质学系,古生物学与地层学专业 |
1997.09--2002.01 | 博士 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,古生物学与地层学专业,博士(在职) |
工作经历 | |
1995.09--2002.06 | 北京大学校团委,地质学系,学生工作 |
2002.06--2004.07 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,讲师 |
2004.10--2005.03 | 奥地利格拉茨大学,博士后 |
2004.08--2011.07 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,副教授 |
2007.08--至今 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,博士生导师 |
2011.08--至今 | 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,教授 |
承担项目 |
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“华南晚泥盆世广义真蕨植物研究”(批准号41672007),2017.1-2020.12 2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“楔叶类的起源演化,古生态和古地理”(批准号41172007),2012.1-2015.12 3. 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“维管植物基部类群的分支演化和环境制约”(批准号40830211),2009.1-2012.12 4. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“鄂湘皖晚泥盆世古植物、古环境和古地理研究”(批准号40772010),2008.1-2010.12 5. 主持国家自然科学青年基金“川西北和滇东早泥盆世植物群的研究”(批准号40302001),2004.1-2006.12 6. 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才资助项目(批准号NCET-06-0012),2007.1-2009.12 7. 主持全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目(批准号200429),2005.1-2009.12 8. 参加973项目“四亿年以来中国陆地生物群演变及其与环境的关系”(批准号2012CB821900),2012.1-2016.8 9. 参加973项目“地史时期海陆生物多样性的演变”(批准号2006CB806400),2007.1-2010.12 10. 参加国家自然科学基金重点项目“早期陆生维管植物的演化、分异与环境”(批准号40232019),2003.1-2006.12 |
学术成果 |
第一作者论文 1. Wang De-Ming, Zhang Ying-Ying, Liu Le, Xu Hong-He, Qin Min, Liu Lu. 2018. Reinvestigation of the Late Devonian Shougangia bella and new insights into the evolution of fernlike plants. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 16(4):309-324. (SCI) 2. Wang De-Ming, Qin Min, Meng Mei-Cen, Liu Le, Ferguson D.K. 2017. New insights into the heterosporous lycopsid Changxingia from the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation of Zhejiang Province, China. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303(1):11-21. (SCI) 3. Wang De-Ming, Meng Mei-Cen, Guo Yun. 2016. Pollen organ Telangiopsis sp. of Late Devonian seed plant and associated vegetative frond. PLOS ONE 11(1): e0147984. (SCI) 4. Wang De-Ming, Basinger J.F., Huang Pu, Liu Le, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Meng Mei-Cen, Zhang Ying-Ying, Deng Zhen-Zhen. 2015. Latisemenia longshania, gen. et sp. nov., a new Late Devonian seed plant from China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282: 20151613. (SCI) 5. Wang De-Ming, Liu Le. 2015. A new Late Devonian genus with seed plant affinities. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15:28. (SCI) 6. Wang De-Ming, Liu Le, Guo Yun, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Meng Mei-Cen. 2015. A Late Devonian fertile organ with seed plant affinities from China. Scientific Reports, 5:10736. (SCI) 7. Wang De-Ming, Xu Hong-He, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Wang Qi, Liu Le. 2015. Leaf evolution in early-diverging ferns: insights from a new fern-like plant from the Late Devonian of China. Annals of Botany, 115(7):1133-1148. (SCI) 8. Wang De-Ming, Liu Le, Meng Mei-Cen, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Liu Tuo, Guo Yun. 2014. Cosmosperma polyloba gen. et sp. nov., a seed plant from the Upper Devonian of South China. Naturwissenschaften, 101(8):615-622. (SCI) 9. Wang De-Ming, Meng Mei-Cen, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Basinger J.F., Guo Yun, Liu Le. 2014. Changxingia longifolia gen. et sp. nov., a new lycopsid from the Late Devonian of Zhejiang Province, South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 203(2014): 35-47. (SCI) 10. 王德明和熊聪慧。2014。中国早期陆生维管植物演化、古地理和古环境研究进展。古生物学报,53(1):101-107. (核心期刊) 11. Wang De-Ming and Guo Yun. 2009. Hamatophyton from the Late Devonian of Anhui Province, South China and Evolution of Sphenophyllales. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(3):492-503. (SCI) 12. Wang De-Ming. 2008. A new iridopteridalean plant from the Middle Devonian of northwest China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 169(8):1100–1115. (SCI) 13. 王德明,万珍珠和崔丽。2008。龙潭楔叶的再研究―兼论华南晚泥盆世楔叶目的演化。北京大学学报(自然科学版), 44(2): 177-184. (核心期刊) 14. Wang De-Ming. 2007a. Tenuisa frasniana gen. et sp. nov., a plant of euphyllophyte affinity from the Late Devonian of China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 168(9):1341–1349. (SCI) 15. Wang De-Ming. 2007b. Two species of Zosterophyllum from South China and dating of the Xujiachong Formation with a biostratigraphic method. Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(4):525-538. (SCI) 16. Wang De-Ming and Lin Ya-Juan. 2007. A new species of Metacladophyton from the Late Devonian of China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 168(7):1067–1084. (SCI) 17. Wang De-Ming, Hao Shou-Gang, Wang Qi and Xue Jin-Zhuang. 2006. Anatomy of the Late Devonian sphenopsid Rotafolia songziensis, with a discussion of stelar architecture of the Sphenophyllales. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167(2): 373-383. (SCI) 18. Wang De-Ming, Hao Shou-Gang, Tian Lin and Xue Jin-Zhuang. 2006. Further study of the Late Devonian sphenopsid Hamatophyton verticillatum from China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167(4): 885–896. (SCI) 19. Wang De-Ming Hao Shou-Gang and Wang Qi. 2005. Rotafolia songziensis gen. et comb. nov., a sphenopsid from the Late Devonian of Hubei, China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 148 (1): 21-37. (SCI) 20. Wang De-Ming and Hao Shou-Gang. 2004. Bracteophyton variatum gen. et sp. nov., an Early Devonian plant from the Xujiachong Formation of Yunnan, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 165(2): 337-345. (SCI) 21. Wang De-Ming, Hao Shou-Gang and Wang Qi. 2003a. Hsüa deflexa sp. nov. from the Xujiachong Formation (Lower Devonian) of eastern Yunnan, China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 142(3): 255-271. (SCI) 22. Wang De-Ming, Hao Shou-Gang and Wang Qi. 2003b. Tracheid ultrastructure of Hsüa deflexa from the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation of Yunnan, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 164 (3): 415-427. (SCI) 23. Wang De-Ming and Hao Shou-Gang. 2002. Guangnania cuneata gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan Province, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 122(1-2): 13-27. (SCI) 24. Wang De-Ming, Hao Shou-Gang and Liu Zhen-Feng. 2002. Researches on plants form the Lower Devonian Xujiachong Formation in the Qujing District, Eastern Yunnan. Acta Geologica Sinica, 76 (4): 393-407. (SCI) 25. Wang De-Ming and Hao Shou-Gang. 2001. A new species of vascular plants from the Xujiachong Formation (Lower Devonian) of Yunnan Province, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 114(3-4): 157-174. (SCI) 26. 王德明和郝守刚。1996。沙顿蕨―曲柄沙顿蕨(新种)在我国的发现。植物学报, 38(4): 318-322. (核心期刊) 通讯作者论文 27. Liu Le, Wang De-Ming, Meng Mei-Cen, Xue Jin-Zhuang. 2017. Further study of Late Devonian seed plant Cosmosperma polyloba: its reconstruction and evolutionary significance. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2017) 17:149. (SCI) 28. Guo Yun and Wang De-Ming. 2016. Studies on plant cuticles from the Lower–Middle Devonian of China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 227(2016): 42-51. (SCI) 29. Zhang Ying-Ying, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Liu Le, Wang De-Ming. 2016. Periodicity of reproductive growth in lycopsids: An example from the Upper Devonian of Zhejiang Province, China. Palaeoworld 25(1): 12-20. (SCI) 30. Meng Mei-Cen, Liu Le, Wang De-Ming, Yao Jian-Xin. 2016. Growth architecture and microsporangiate strobilus of Sublepidodendron grabaui (Lycopsida) from the Late Devonian of South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 224(2016): 83-93. (SCI) 31. 秦敏,王德明,薛进庄,刘乐,黄璞。2016。浙江长兴晚泥盆世几种羽状复叶植物的发现及其意义。古生物学报,55(4):424-432。(核心期刊) 32. Meng Mei-Cen, Wang De-Ming, Yao Jian-Xin. 2015. Vegetative characters, growth habit and microsporangiate strobilus of lycopsid Minostrobus chaohuensis. PLOS ONE 10(3): e0122167. (SCI) 33. Liu Le, Wang De-Ming, Xue Jin-Zhuang and Meng Mei-Cen. 2015. An anatomically preserved lycopsid from the Upper Devonian of South China. Historical Biology, 27: 308-315. (SCI) 34. 孟美岑,王德明,田甜。2014。对湖北晚泥盆世松滋亚鳞木大孢子叶球的新认识。古生物学报,53(2):180-190. (核心期刊) 35. Xiong Cong-Hui, Wang De-Ming, Wang Qi, Benton MJ, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Meng Mei-Cen, Zhao Qi and Zhang Jing. 2013. Diversity dynamics of Silurian–Early Carboniferous land plants in South China. PLOS ONE 8(9): e75706. (SCI) 36. Liu Le, Wang De-Ming, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Meng Mei-Cen and Guo Yun. 2013. Reinvestigation of the lycopsid Minarodendron cathaysiense from the Middle Devonian of South China. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 268: 325-339. (SCI) 37. Meng Mei-Cen, Wang De-Ming, Xue Jin-Zhuang and Zhu Xiao. 2013. New insights and evolutionary significance of the megasporangiate strobilus of Minostrobus chaohuensis (Lycopsida) from the Upper Devonian of South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 190(2013): 20-40. (SCI) 38. Xiong Cong-Hui, Wang De-Ming, Wang Qi and Meng Mei-Cen. 2012. A new euphyllophyte Kunia venusta gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Devonian of Yunnan, South China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 50(6):540-549. (SCI) 39. Guo Y and Wang De-Ming. 2011. Anatomical reinvestigation of Archaeopteris macilenta from the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) of South China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 49(6):590-597. (SCI) 40. Guo Yun and Wang De-Ming. 2009. Archaeopteris halliana from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Anhui Province, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(3):479-491. (SCI) 41. 崔丽和王德明。2009。华南早石炭世亚鳞木属(Sublepidodendron)植物研究及其分类学意义。北京大学学报(自然科学版), 45(3): 451-460. (核心期刊) 其他署名论文 42. Xue Jin-Zhuang, Deng Zhen-Zhen, Huang Pu, Huang Kang-Jun, Michael J. Benton, Cui Ying, Wang De-Ming, Liu Jian-Bo, Shen Bing, James F. Basinger and Hao Shou-Gang. 2016. Belowground rhizomes in paleosols: The hidden half of an Early Devonian vascular plant. PNAS, 113(34): 9451–9456. (SCI) 43. Xue Jin-Zhuang, Huang Pu, Wang De-Ming, Wang Qi and Hao Shou-Gang. 2016. Anatomy of the Middle Devonian cladoxylopsid Panxia gabata Y. Wang et Berry from Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 224(2016): 66-82. (SCI) 44. 邓珍珍,黄璞,刘乐,王德明,薛进庄。2016。华南晚泥盆世假弱楔叶(Sphenophyllum pseudotenerrimum Sze)的新认识。古生物学报,55(1):45-55。 45. Xue Jin-Zhuang, Wang Qi, Wang De-Ming, Wang Yi and Hao Shou-Gang. 2015. New observations of the early land plant Eocooksonia Doweld from the Pridoli (Upper Silurian) of Xinjiang, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 101: 30-38. (SCI) 46. Xue Jinzhuang, Huang Pu, Marcello Ruta, Michael J. Benton, Hao Shougang, Xiong Conghui, Wang Deming, Borja Cascales-Miñana, Wang Qi, Liu Le. 2015. Stepwise evolution of Paleozoic tracheophytes from South China: contrasting leaf disparity and taxic diversity. Earth-Science Reviews, 148: 77-93. (SCI) 47. 王宇飞,孙克勤,邓胜徽,朱为庆,王德明,王士俊等。2014。古植物学研究进展in 2012-2013植物学学科发展报告(主编:中国科学技术协会)。中国科学技术出版社:北京。 48. Hao Shou-Gang, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Zhu Xiao and Wang De-Ming. 2012. A new genus of Early Devonian plants with novel strobilar structures and vegetative appendages from the Posongchong Formation of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 171: 73-82. (SCI) 49. Xue Jin-Zhuang, Hao Shou-Gang, Zhu Xiao and Wang De-Ming. 2012. A new basal euphyllophyte, Pauthecophyton gen. nov., from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 183: 9-20. (SCI) 50. Zhu Xiao, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming. 2011. A new species of Adoketophyton from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) Posongchong Formation of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 164: 238-246. (SCI) 51. Hao Shou-Gang, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Guo Da-Li and Wang De-Ming. 2010. Earliest rooting system and root: shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant. New Phytologist, 185(1): 217-225. (SCI) 52. Ma Xue-Ping, Liao Wei-Hua and Wang De-Ming. 2009. The Devonian System of China, with a discussion on sea-level change in South China. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 314: 241-262. 53. Hao Shou-Gang, Xue Jin-Zhuang, Liu Zhen-Feng and Wang De-Ming. 2007. Zosterophyllum Penhallow around the Silurian-Devonian boundary of Northeastern Yunnan, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 168(4): 477-489. (SCI) 54. Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming, Wang Qi and Xue Jin-Zhuang. 2006. A new lycopsid, Zhenglia radiata gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Devonian Posongchong Formation of sourtheastern Yunnan, China, and its evolutionary significance. Acta Geologica Sinica, 80(1): 11-19. (SCI) 55. 薛进庄,郝守刚,王德明。2006。中晚泥盆世石松植物研究综述。北京大学学报,42(6): 808-816. (核心期刊) 56. 王怿,郝守刚,傅强,徐洪河,王德明。2006。中国志留-泥盆纪早期陆生维管植物的多样性。生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变---华夏化石记录的启示。戎嘉余主编,科学出版社,北京:383-398. (专著章节) 57. Xue Jin-Zhuang, Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming and Liu Zhen-Feng. 2005. A new lycopsid from the Upper Devonian of Hubei Province. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 166(3): 519-531. (SCI) 58. Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming and Wang Qi. 2004. A new species of Estinnophyton from the Lower Devonian Posongchong Formation, Yunnan, China; its phylogenetic and palaeophytogeographical significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 146: 201-216. (SCI) 59. 刘振锋,郝守刚,王德明和刘建波。2004。中国滇东非海相下泥盆统徐家冲组剖面研究。地层古生物论文集 (第二十八辑): 61-88。地质出版社. (核心期刊) 60. Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming and Beck C.B. 2003. Observations on anatomy of Adoketophyton subverticillatum from the Posongchong Formation (Pragian, Lower Devonian) of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 127 (3-4): 175-186. (SCI) 61. Hao Shou-Gang, Beck C.B. and Wang De-Ming. 2003. Structure of the earliest leaves: adaptations to high concentrations of atmospheric CO2. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 164(1): 71-75. (SCI) 62. Wang Qi, Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming, Wang Yi and Denk T. 2003. A Late Devonian arborescent lycopsid Sublepidodendron songziense Chen emend. (Sublepidodendraceae Kräusel et Weyland 1949) from China, with a revision of the genus Sublepidodendron (Nathorst) Hirmer 1927. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 127 (3-4): 269-305. (SCI) 63. 郝守刚, 王德明。2003。中国云南早泥盆世坡松冲植物群——探究早期陆生维管植物演化分异的窗口。地球科学进展,18(6): 877-883. (核心期刊) 64. 王祺,郝守刚和王德明。2003。亚鳞木属及其相关属的分支系统学研究。北京大学学报(自然科学版), 39(6): 856-870. (核心期刊) 65. Wang Qi, Hao Shou-Gang, Wang De-Ming and Dilcher D.L. 2002. An anatomically preserved arborescent lycopsid Sublepidodendron songziense (Sublepidodendraceae) from the Late Devonian of Hubei, China. American Journal of Botany, 89(9): 1468-1477. (SCI) 66. 郝守刚, 王德明, 王祺。2002。陆生植物的起源和维管植物的早期演化。北京大学学学报, 38(2): 286-293. (核心期刊) 67. Hao Shou-Gang, Gensel P.G. and Wang De-Ming. 2001. Polythecophyton demissum, gen. et sp. nov., a new plant from the Lower Devonian (Pragian age) of Yunnan, China and its phytogeographic significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 116(1-2): 55-71. (SCI) 68. Hao Shou-Gang and Wang De-Ming. 2000. Two species of Zosterophyllum Penhallow (Z. australianum Lang and Cookson, Z. ramosum sp. nov.) from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) of southeast Yunnan, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(Sup.): 26-41. (核心期刊) 69. 陆玲娣,王德明。1998。驻马店杨庄—中全新世淮河上游的文化遗存与环境信息。北京大学考古学系、驻马店市文物保护管理所编,科学出版社:192-193. (专著章节) |
邀请报告 |
大会特邀报告 1. 王德明. 2012年5月13日, 中国武汉. 植物登陆及其古环境机制. (地球生物学论坛——深时全球变化与生态系演化研讨会,主办方:3个国家和省部级重点实验室、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科学院地学部、中国地质大学(武汉)) 2. Wang De-Ming. 2009.10.26, Beijing. Early diversification of vascular plants-evidence from South China. (Darwin-China 200, Celebrating 150th Anniversary of On the Origin of Species. 达尔文-中国200年,纪念达尔文《物种起源》发表150周年国际学术会议) 3. 王德明. 2009年10月13日, 中国南京. 滇东早泥盆世的生物地层和沉积环境研究. (古生物学研究前沿论坛,主办方:973项目、6个国家和省部级重点实验室) |
获奖情况 |
2016年,“北京大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师” 2015年,“黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖” 2015年,“北京大学教学优秀奖” 2010年,“北京大学奖教金” 2006年,“新世纪优秀人才” 2004年,“全国优秀博士学位论文” 2004年,“北京大学优秀博士学位论文”一等奖 |
学术及社会任职 |
教育部“造山带与地壳演化重点实验室”副主任 中国古生物学会古植物学分会 理事 中国植物学会古植物学分会 理事 Scientific Reports 编辑 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 编辑 |
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